Getting Personal Loans With No Credit Checks: Loan Opportunity For Bad Credit Borrowers

There is a general belief that those of us with truly terrible credit scores are bound to find it impossible to secure a loan. But in fact, with the growth of options available from specialist lenders online, it is possible to get some small personal loans with no credit checks.

It may seem like a major risk for lenders to grant loans without checking on the credit history of the applicant - and this is certainly true. As a result, there are some compromises that applicants need to make if they are to get approval despite bad credit.

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But what are the special conditions that an application must accept when applying for this kind of personal loan? And, how can a lender so confidently grant approval when they are clearly at a major risk?

No Credit Checks: Foolhardy or Wise?

Any lender who accepts the risk of taking on bad credit borrowers without question has clearly already calculated the chances of making a profit from the deal. Remember, no lender goes into a loan deal with their eyes closed, so granting personal loans with no credit checks is a carefully considered strategic loan option.

The simple fact is that statistics consistently show that borrowers are more interested in rebuilding their credit reputation than they are in taking the money and running. And in any case, a large percentage of bad credit borrowers today are honest borrowers who fell victim of the economic collapse of four years ago. So, get approval despite bad credit is not such a major risk.

Also, credit scores were never a major aspect of the approval process, so if any part of it is to be cast aside to make a personal loan faster to access, the minimum of risk is associated with the credit check.

Limitations on Loans

But lenders are not about to grant a $50,000 loan to someone who is not fully checked out. They have set clear limits to the size of the personal loan, with no credit checks offered to small sums from just $100 to $1,500. What is more, they come a very high interest rates to protect them further from losses.

There is no mystery to these limits, with the lower loan limit ensuring the maximum losses are kept low. This means that offering approval despite bad credit is really of use to those applicants who must pay specific emergency expenses or debts. Perhaps, a hospital bill or a final notice on late mortgage payment, for example.

For borrowers, the small loan does little to help the pressure of repaying these personal loans when high interest rates are charged (25%), and a repayment term is as short as just 14 days.

Payday and Cash Advance Loans

The fact is that these loans are better known as payday loans, or as cash advance loans. This is because they are granted against an imminent paycheck, and not on the basis of a long period of repayments. Offering personal loans with no credit checks means approval is almost certain, just proof that the next check is large enough to cover the sum borrowed, plus interest.

Repayments are usually complete in one go, a policy that also protects the lender as there is less opportunity for the borrower to fall behind or default. What is more, though offering approval despite bad credit, the likelihood of getting their money back is almost guaranteed.

Still, it is essential that the borrower budgets for the deal, with a $1,500 personal loan requiring $1,875 to repay - a very large sum to take from one paycheck.

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